#1180 | Sunday, April 14th 2002
I remember Sept 11th like it was yesterday. It was Sept 12th in Australia and I was still asleep. I heard our phone ring quite early which always signals something has happened. I heard my Mum speaking to someone, saying things like Oh my God, How could the do that? etc I wondered what had happened. Next thing Mum had barged into my room and screamed at me to get up because they were attacking New York. I was so stunned, I just got up and turned the TV on. I wondered who would do such a thing. I just remember being so upset and watching CNN for like 3-4 days straight, I just couldn't believe the loss. It really upset me even more because I have always wanted to go to NY and never got to until after Sept 11th. I had wanted to see the Twin Towers and being there and not seeing them, but just a hole in the ground, it seemed such a waste. It is such a terrible loss that I don't think we will ever comprehend. I'll never forget that day as long as I live.
Eve | 22 | Australia

#1141 | Monday, April 1st 2002
i was at work, i work at a an NHL sports arena and i was doing the overnight shift. i heard it on the radio and immediatly turned on the tv. i immediatly saw tower 1 burning and tower 2 was untouched, then i saw the 2nd plane fly into the 2 tower, live, not a replay. i will never forget the words i said, "sweet jesus please have mercy on those people" i didnt know what to think, what to feel, i couldnt understand why it was happening. i couldnt even fathom a hatred so great that would constitute such a brutal attack. the numbers came in for how much people the world trade center held at it's max, and as people came in for work that morning at the arena, we all filed into the employee lounge and quietly listened, and watched together. from the highest paid executive to the lowest paid concession stand worker, we were all the same that day, we all had one thing in common because when we heard the twin towers could hold 10,000 people on any given day, that number struck a cord. you see, our arena is in the direct flight path of san jose international airport, and our seating capacity of around 19,000 is met an average of every 3 days each week. my thoughts and feelings are with the people of new york and washington, as are the thoughts and prayers of the 20,000 people who walk through our doors on any given day. we are all truly thankful for every hockey game, every concert, every football game, that we are able to hold here and leave safely from. the constant reminder of 9/11 is shown by two red white and blue ribbons painted on the ice, when our national anthem is sung before hockey games to which the capacity crowd never fails to show their patriotism by joining in, singing while gazing upon the american flag that hangs from the rafters, or or with something so simple as the sight of a professional hockey player who doesnt know english too well but faces the american flag and bows while the anthem is sung. i have never been more proud to be an american, i am proud of all the people in my country who did not bend to the wishes of godless people who's only goal is to take away from us what their sole desire is to have for themsleves. our families strength, our safety, our brother hood, our selflesness, our courage, and our UNFAILING desire to defend our freedom for ourselves and for future generations. even if the price is the ultimate one. i remember a quote from something i learned when i was in the army, its from the american soldiers creed, " i am prepared to give my life to keep our nation free" we will all stand tall and proud through the years to come, this is the greatest nation on earth and our untiy that we show every day to the world is a testament to that greatness. america, america, god shed his grace on thee. in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Connie | 22 | California

#1139 | Sunday, March 31st 2002
i was late for work that morning. on the cab ride in, i was mostly asleep. the radio was on, and they were talking about an explosion in new york. i really wasn't paying attention.

when i got upstairs, i quickly rushed over to our office coordinator's desk and started to apologize for being late. she just looked at me blankly and said "have you heard? do you know what's going on?"

when i said no, she told me.

when the tears started falling down my face 10 seconds later, she told me i need to be strong for my team. i was about to walk to my desk in front of my entire staff, and she didn't think it was appropriate for them to see me crying.

i cried anyways.

devon | 22 | Canada

#1074 | Tuesday, March 19th 2002
When I found out about the 9/11 attacks I was just waking up for the morning to get ready to go to work. It was around 6:45am in Tempe, Arizona. I was watching the local news as I do each morning while I get ready for work. I quickly called my mother and my boyfriend to watch the tv. While watching the news at first I wasn't quite sure what was happening but I was very concerned for my family and also my step brother and his wife and 1 month old baby boy who lived in NY at that time. I will never forget 9/11. The day ill always remain in my heart.

Carrah Lynlee Skinner
Tempe, Arizona
Arizona State University senior in Special eucation Program/College of Education

Carrah | 22 | Arizona

#996 | Wednesday, March 13th 2002
Well, I live in Hawaii, so at about 4 am, my phone kept ringing, and I sort of heard someone saying on the machine that I should turn my tv on, we were getting attacked. By then, the first tower had fallen. I finally got up and turned the TV on and couldn't believe it. Then the phone rang, and it was my buddy in LA, who's Dad and many friends work at the WTC. He was freaking out. I just couldn't believe it. I started crying, and woke up my husband. He was mad that I woke him up so early, until he saw what was happening, and then the news said 50,000 people could be dying. Pretty insane. What is really weird is September 10th, I was talking to a coworker who's daughter was in Israel on vacation. We were talking about the violence there, and I said I couldn't believe that the US had never really been attacked. I said that I felt we were really vulnerable, and I know there are people out there that hate us for who knows what reasons. Then, boom, we were attacked. Scary. I still cannot believe it. It is hard to realize especially living way over here. I am bummed I have never been to NYC, and I never saw the WTC in person. God Bless America. We are the best country in the world. I love being an American!!!!!

Stephanie | 22 | Hawaii

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