#2513 | Saturday, September 14th 2002
In Memory of September 11, 2001
“The Eagle Will Soar Again”

A black void, emptiness,
as wings of demons descend,
brittle glass shatters innocence
now, hidden concealed revenge.
An eagle in flight sailing
like a mighty god of the sky
a serpent within its talons
the struggle between dark and light.
A Nation's blood splattered, red
pain slices at every soul,
sorrow transcends our reality
amongst the soot and the smoke.
Brothers and Sisters that traveled
into The Valley of Death
may be physically lost, but
their memories are now etched
from the heart of one
into the hearts of two
into the hearts of everyone,
America, God Bless you.
A flag wavers in the breeze,
yet erect like the Rugged Cross
its stars the eyes of this night
crying for a Nation's loss.
White our stolen purity,
Red our mighty valor,
Blue our vigilant Chief
watching the eagle soar.
Wounded the godlike eagle
attempts to once again fly
struggling to reach the Heavens
through the darkness of this night
towards an everlasting communion
a eulogy in red, white, and blue
a spiritual state of unity
America, God Bless you.
© 2001 Tammy A. Callahan-Callanan

Tammy | 38 | Massachusetts

#2502 | Friday, September 13th 2002
I was in my history class learning about ww2. When the principal came in and told us what was happening.
Jillian | 17 | Massachusetts

#2460 | Thursday, September 12th 2002
I am currently a 10th grade student, but on the morning of September 11th 2001 i was a terrified little Freshman who had just started highschool and that was my biggest worry in the world. As I sat there in my English class looking at the clock way too many times another English teacher came into the room and told my teacher that the World Trade Center had been "bombed".. I live in MA about 25 miles north of Boston and there is a World Trade Center in Boston, i got very nervous because i thought thats what she was talking about. When the bell wrang i heard everyone in the halls talking about it but none of us really knew exactly what happened. When i finally got home from school that day i saw my mom in front of the TV crying and i asked her what was wrong? she explained what really happened and i was absolutely shocked. So many things ran through my head! I sat there glued to the TV for a couple hours and let it set it. I felt so much hurt inside for all those people who lost someone they loved that day, and didnt even get to say goodbye, and i had so much hatred for the people who did this to our country...now i cant believe its been a year, it doesnt feel like that long...i saw this quote and i think it's really fitting for september 11th and i thought you all might like it..."Sometimes, no matter how much faith we have, we lose people. But you never forget them. And sometimes it's those memories that give us the faith to go on."
Kayla | 15 | Massachusetts

#2442 | Thursday, September 12th 2002
When it was first mentioned, I was in first period Language Arts. One of the janitors walked in, and told the teacher what happened. It seemed like nothing at first, and my teacher had said 'What a tragedy'.

When we went into second period social studies, the teacher was on the internet and mentioned what happened and we were all like '...' because we were in New York City earlier in the year and we had gone to the top of the World Trade Center.

So, most of us were really freaked out. 'What if it happened while we on the top?' And then, the teacher in the room beside us had the television going. Our teacher didn't permit us to go into the science room and watch.

Then my mom dismissed me out of worry and I watched what happened at home.

Kristin | 14 | Massachusetts

#2441 | Thursday, September 12th 2002
I was in homeroom with all of my friends and we were shocked to pieces when we saw. We watched the second plane hit on live TV. We will never forget.
Seshia | 15 | Massachusetts

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