#714 | Friday, February 1st 2002
The morning of September Eleventh, 2001, was just like any other ride on the school bus. The sky was blue and everything was normal.
I was in my Biology lab class watching a film on Lab Safety procedures when the principal announced over the PA system that our World Trade Center has been hit by planes...
Never in my wildest dreams would I ever thought I would see the day the Twin Towers would vanish, especially under these horrible circumstances...

Koichi | 14 | New York

#710 | Friday, February 1st 2002
I had a nine oclock class that Thursday. I sat through an hour and a half of class, completely clueless as to anything that had happened that morning. It was as I walked over to my 10:30 that I first heard news of something being wrong. My sociology class was cancelled, due to "some fire or something" at the WTC. I didn't give it a second thought. I was just happy I didn't have to go to class. So I went early to my job interview, and as I was sitting in the office, my boss was listening to Howard Stern while asking me to fill out some paperwork. It was then that I heard about planes crashing into the WTC. I don't even remember getting my job, but I remember walking back to my room in a cloud, and as I walked through my hall, it was only then that I began to understand the gravity of the situation. No one was at class, everyone's door was open and tuned to CNN...and everyone was crying. At this point I still didn't comprehend that it was a terrorist attack...and as I watched 5 minutes of CNN, I began to realize what had happened.

My friend lost her father in the attack, a volunteer firefighter in two local fire departments and also an employee in Tower 2. He got out safely, but went back in to try to help people. He was never seen again. I attended his wake in the end of October, when they found bits and pieces of the man who I knew as a jovial widow, a single father of two teenage girls. My friend now lives with a distant relative in upstate New York.

Having this happen the first month of being away from home at college has shaped my existence. I still rely on the people who I grew up with, from that day on. We all have been stirred by the tragedy...no one will ever be the same.

Marissa | 18 | New York

#708 | Friday, February 1st 2002
I was at my school (5 towns college) getting my photo I.D. picture taken, as I walked into the office, they had a small clock radio broadcasting news, which was all about a plane crashing into one of the twin towers, I was stunned, so was everyone else, but we went about taking the picture, not thinking it was a terrorist attack yet considering nothing else had happened. I took the picture, and immediatly left school. I was on my home on the LIE (Long Island Expressway) when the 2nd plane hit the other tower, thats when it hit me it was a terrorist attack, had I been a half hour later leaving school, if it weren't for my first class being cancelled, I would have been basically stranded there, because they eventually closed the LIE for Emergency vehicles only, I got home and went inside, my mother was in her bed, practically hiding under the covers watching in horror. I went to a few friends houses afterwards, picked them up, we all went to Jones Beach, and watched the smoke rise from there, we all said our prayers.
Ryan | 18 | New York

#698 | Wednesday, January 30th 2002
I was at work at Cablevision in Hauppauge,NY (on Long Island).
I answer the phones at Cablevision,we supply T.V service,Phone service and Internet service.The t.v's were on and we saw the first plane hit and thought it was an accident,then the second one hit and we all stood there,watching helplessly.
Then the flood of calls came in to us, people's modems and computers went down and they were screaming at us,at me, frantically to help them,they were trying to e-mail their family and friends who were in the WTC Towers, I will never forget their voices and their screams in my ear to help them get their e-mails to their loved ones to see if they were alive ,and then on the phone with them,crying,and me crying,my whole office crying, we watched the towers fall,one after another.My life changed forever that day,as it did I'm sure for every "AMERICAN". I STAND BY MY COUNTRY AND "I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN".

Elisa | 28 | New York

#694 | Tuesday, January 29th 2002
I picked up Air Force One that weekend at a stoop sale. I watched it on Sunday and then dropped it off at a video store on Broadway near Canal Street on Monday. I even made some silly remark about it. Next day I was supposed to be at Broadway 120 but for some reason deliberately delayed going. I went to get a coffee at eight in the morning but went back to work some more on my home computer. By the time I went down to the street again at nine, there was a dark stream of smoke which came across the river and started to cover the streets. Someone told me that two planes hit the World Trade Center. We could still see them standing from a nearby Avenue. The subways were not running, the Avenue was closed for traffic. Several fire engines roared by. Some never came back.
brooklyn | 100 | New York

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