#632 | Tuesday, January 15th 2002
I think this site is an excellent idea. I'm from England, and therefore watched the horrors of september 11th on the television.
Im 15 years old, so when the twin towers and the pentagon were attacked I was at school (it was about 2pm at the time of the attacks over here), so I only found out when I came home and my sister was watching t.v. At first I wasent really sure what to think, to be honest I had never heard of the world trade centres before that day. But then I realised the sheer scale, it was mind-blowing. I don't think I have cried so much in my life. It breaks your heart seeing all the pictures on the news, firemen, policemen, volunteers, survivors, ground zero, and the memorials.
But I feel lucky. Although there is so much hate in Afghanistan and other places, I feel lucky that I am witnessing so much love, support and friendship, in a time when we all need that more than anything. God Bless America.

Suzie | 15 | United Kingdom

#625 | Friday, January 11th 2002
I was in the labour ward at King's College hospital with my wife, who gave birth to our son, Haris at 12.40 pm.

Welcome to the world Haris

Patrick | 41 | United Kingdom

#623 | Thursday, January 10th 2002
I was in Spain, working in a bar. My girlfriend and I woke up that morning. We went for breakfast in the same Spanish cafe we had done for months.
Let's not have routine. Let's not fit into this market, wear a tie, carry a briefcase. Let's not depict what is right and what is wrong, and live our lives the way we think we are supposed to.
Does this not put it into perspective?
Let's thank the heroes.

The | 22 | United Kingdom

#619 | Wednesday, January 9th 2002
Hello, I was in the wet climes of North West London England at the time and about a week later was suddenly startled by the fact that a social/world problem poem I had left [unfinished] on my pc back in August was just a bit too close to the mark even for my own liking. I added/adjusted a few lines [...Laden by, Nostradamus bits and fading hooves] just to round it off and keep myself sane.

Someone must apologise to the families of all war ravaged people until as a world we get it RIGHT.

If you will accept my offering please read on.

The Jungle jumped down a thousand feet
Of New York's finest, faded concrete.
Unable to grow from opulent, opaque glass,
Reflecting only wasted heat [back] onto the street.

There fiery lamplit rasta-hippies used to pounce
And roll minds together over times' encryption.
Only for falling, flaking, cutting tear duct cinders
From oxidised terminals 'ledgered' high,
To cause Hubble sized dementia,
And let another, unseen,
Laden by.

An ancient revenge the genie tapped in,
Causing Leadenhall and Bells to ring.
With captains of industry tacking hard away from crashes,
Nor could they turn back for corporates falling by,
Blaming each other for their own cocaine flashes,
Hiding profits for a ten year 'high'.

Of which we were all the pay me for a line and the night time tube.
Giving coverage of Future's buying Asian plains.
Only to see war strew them with human stew,
And save some glory for the mid-west pans.
Yet there is even more in common -
if we so choose, an east-west flair for four cloven hooves.

But 'til now us and the U.S. had become obese,
Oblivious for the need to queue,
For food,
Or space flight and the encryption call.

Some of us mistake [mistook?] those video self-made rushes,
Hurled violently against the violet 'behind you!' wall.
It's cctv crime watch, your own shadow in vision.
for no advert ever gave absolution for our souls.

We all watch absorbed,
The 2D simulation of rainbow's arches.
Watch apauled the third world writhing mad.
Watch enthralled the ancient world's matching puzzle,
Watch and adore brazen hussies chosen by the sad.
Watch 'annured' the west world's eighteen holes.
But never watch the whole world's missing souls...

... which tend to end their connection after each large and final meteor squall.

Still up high, but no! Now two thousand feet,
Sad, white ticker tape parades -
Then transforms to cloud -
And rumbles down the street.
Where still the coughing, crouching terrorist aura greets,
To feast of human, desouled meat.
And laugh at equal uncaring brothers' eye,
Staring disconnected from the shards of opulent glass -
Now piling high.

Nostradamus and his headache spoke
Not just of twin towers,
And of tripods with no faces shown [but flew],
Yet also of cataclysms beyond his powers.
Not knowing if any to space had flown,
[or grew.]
Indeed before the meteor thud that is ours!
He suggests we have yet two more thousand years,
So please don't let that end - end in tears!

Now, no more vast predictions,
For now is found the returning clue.
No more flat universal theories,
Just black holes warping the double helix view.
For if it is the archaeologists' dream,
To find lost cvilisations' lairs...
With whom did our universe once begin?
And beautifully still lay twinkling there?

And so rebegin the the space flight trine,
{Please U.S. to take the 'foreign' policy role!}
As the United Nations are placed in Palestine.
As the meteor rumbles after the remaining souls.
All to the sound of fading hooves...

Ian | 51 | United Kingdom

#569 | Sunday, December 23rd 2001
When the actual attacks happened, i was in Glasgow attending a University Open Day Visit with friends.

I had gotten home from the trip and ran upstairs - as i usually do - went online and turned on the t.v. I got an instant message from a friend asking me if i was watching the t.v, and i said i was just turning it on - and there it was, that horrific scene of burning and destruction.

It will be a day that i will be able to remember clearly. A day that i will be able to remember my every action afterwards. A day that will hold a place in my heart for victims and families.

God Bless.

Ross | 16 | United Kingdom

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