#1799 | Monday, September 9th 2002
I was sitting at my computer making up games for my daycare children when it came over the news. I was in shock as was the rest of the world. I sat and prayed holding on to my children. I prayed for those who were lost, and for those families who lost loved ones. I prayed that they would be able to save more and that those trying to save would be safe. I cried over the loss and I tried to explain it all to those children who could understand. We took up a collection for the NYFD and Salvation Army to assist the families.
The children are all going to wear red, white and blue on 9-11 to show their support. Gods Be to all.

Deb | 46 | Michigan

#1752 | Sunday, September 8th 2002
I was at my Mother's house just outside Toronto Canada, just getting ready for the 4 hour car trip back to Michigan and my husband. My Mom saw the first plane hit the tower, and she called me in. Katie Couric was stunned, and she seemed like she didn't believe the events around her. I immediately called my husband and told him the tower had been hit. When the second tower was hit, I called him again and told him I wouldn't be home that day, the borders were closed, I'd be there tomorrow. Then I sat, watched the television, and cried. I called my husband about 20 times that day. I wanted him to go home and not stay at work. I wanted him to be safe, and I watched in awe for hours. My friend came over and we talked--she had ticket to a movie at the festival in Toronto, but the Film Festival in the city had been postponed due the the event--and I kept crying. All I could think about was those poor people, and New York, and how evil you have to be to plan and commit such a devastating event! Then I got angry.

It took me almost 12 hours to get back home the next day. It took 3.5 hours to get to Windsor Ontario, and the remaining time to cross the tunnel to Detroit. The Bridge line started at least 20 KM outside Windsor, so I did a u-turn on the 401 and drove north to the hick towns, taking backroads all the way to Windsor. The tunnel was packed, but not as bad as the bridge.
The security was high and it was scary.

What an awful day.

J | 32 | Michigan

#1732 | Saturday, September 7th 2002
i remember everything about the very moment i heard what happened.. i was in school my sophomore year of college.. living in a dorm room by myself.. and i had just woke up .. well before my alarm went off.. i could feel something was different.. or wrong.. not sure what it was but the feeling was there.. so the first thing i did was turn on the television.. (i never watch tv before class) it was as if God was telling me something.. and on every channel there was breaking news.. about the first tower being hit. i mean.. it just came on as i turned on the tv set. i dont know why.. but i popped in a tape and pushed record.. i recorded those news programs all morning.. not sure why i kept recording.. til i saw the piece about the pentagon.. and instantally my heart dropped to the ground and shattered into pieces.. i was already crying and upset about what happened at the wtc but now the pentagon! my favorite uncle works there.. and i was so scared he was in the midst of everything.. but unlike those killed in the crash.. he had forgotten something at one of his other offices and would have been righ smack dab in the middle of it all.. but two days later.. i was able to get through and talk to him! God blessed us with that.. I will never forget the extreme sadness and anger i felt after that day.. and i hurt for the families of the victims.. and i pray for them.. that God would bless them and comfort them.
kristina | 20 | Michigan

#1707 | Friday, September 6th 2002
I was sitting down in my apartment eating breakfast...turned on "The Today Show" I was wondering why they had the camera on the Trade Center. Matt Lauer was saying they were thinking an accident.Then as they were talking and still showing the one tower in flames...I witness the second plane hit!!!! I was like "Oh my...." At hat moment Matt said we are under attack by terrist.
Dana | 24 | Michigan

#1590 | Saturday, August 24th 2002
I was at work on Sept. 11th. 2001. I work as a security guard. The facility where I worked was in Dearborn, Michigan. When the attacks started happening, there was total chaos in the building. People were running everywhere, all the time talking on their cellphones. Employees who had just arrived for work were now leaving. The manager requested that a T.V set be put in the cateteria so the events taking place could be viewed. Later my supervisor told me and my African- American co-worker that the City of Dearborn was more than 95% Arabic, that us black and white people were the minority there. He also said that if the population of Dearborn were to side with the terrorists, we were in serious danger. It was then that I got truly afraid. I called my husband and told him to take out two youngest children out of High School and that I loved all of them. I had no idea of what was going to happen at that moment. I ended up working 12 hours that day, instead of 8. I was never so happy to be at home when I left work. I sometimes shudder when I think of others that did not get to go home to their families that fateful day.
Melanie | 39 | Michigan

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