

#358 | Saturday, December 8th 2001
I walked into the media center at our middle school and saw a replay of a plane hitting the WTC. I knew immediately that hundreds of innocent people had just died. A feeling of great sadness came over me. It has not gone away.
Joe | 47 | Georgia
#338 | Saturday, December 8th 2001
It was a couple of weeks before college was about to start (Oct. 1) and I was sleeping in my room at my home when I recieved a phone call from my girlfriend telling me to turn on CNN, that a plane crashed into a building. I woke up, rubbed my eyes, and turned on the television facing my bed using the remote nearby. I knew the channel by heart since I am a very informative person. I turned to the station and I saw one of the World Trade towers on fire. As I watched closer and listened to gain information, I saw another plane crash into the opposite building as I talked to my girlfriend on the phone. We ended the phone conversation and watched for the remainder of the day as I gathered items for college. At the moment, I had no idea how something could have happened, figuring at first it was an accident, but after seeing the second plane crash, I knew it wasn't an accident, that it was intended. Right off, CNN had many skeptics and informants tossing around theories as to who did it and why. Happening only days after my birthday, it is a day that will put a new cloak on our highly regarded level of 'safety.'
Eric | 19 | Georgia
#311 | Thursday, December 6th 2001
I was driving to work after having just dropped my daughter off at daycare. We had been listening to her favorite Raffi CD, and when I switched over to the radio, I heard the DJ's talking about the World Trade Center being on fire, and unconfirmed reports of a plane crashing into one of the towers. The DJ's were watching CNN at the station, and had the CNN audio patched into the board so it would broadcast over the radio, and still allow the DJ's to be heard. As the CNN reporter was talking, the DJ's were throwing in their own comments here and there, when suddenly one of the DJ's yelled, "OH MY GOD! ANOTHER PLANE JUST HIT THE TOWER! I SAW IT HAPPEN - THIS JUST HAPPENED LIVE WHILE WE WERE WATCHING!!"
I remember at that point going numb. I managed to drive to work, but I don't remember anything about the drive. I do remember switching the radio station several times, trying to get as much information as possible. I called my office, and they'd already heard about it. I told them to get the TV out of the supply closet and set it up so we could keep the news reports on all day.
We were pretty much glued to the television at the office. I remember having horrible daydreams about the towers falling or collapsing because of the planes crashing into them. Our shock grew deeper and deeper as we heard about the Pentagon attack, and then the crash in Pennsylvania.
Then, to my great horror, the first tower collapsed before our eyes. When the second tower collapsed, I remember feeling this incredible sense of helplessness - I wanted to be in New York to help pull people out of the building. I wanted to scream "RUN!!!" but knew that the only people who would hear were those standing around me.
September 11th has had a profound impact upon my life. I was fortunate enough that I did not personally know anyone who died in the attacks. However, I felt, and continue to feel, a deep hurt for those who did, even though I didn't know them. Suddenly, firefighters and police officers are heroes, even those who are not affiliated with New York City. Suddenly, life has extra meaning. I am more patriotic and have a deeper love for my country now than I ever have before. The sight of our flag makes me at once proud and, at the same time, tearful. Before September 11th, my feelings of patriotism were lukewarm at best. As much as I opposed our president before, I support him more now.
I have started a scrapbook of the events of September 11th. It includes images, stories, and personal writings describing my feelings and the things going on around us. When my daughter is old enough to understand, I will show it to her, talk to her about the horrible events, and hopefully ensure that this day is never forgotten.
Bob | 34 | Georgia
#286 | Sunday, November 25th 2001
I am 15 and in the 10th grade of high school. I walked into my second period class on the morning of September 11th. A friend told me a plane had just crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers. I thought he was joking, or, if he wasn't joking, it had to be an accident. We took our seats and turned on CNN after the teacher said he had heard the same thing. The rest of the day was a blur for me. Watching the tv set in each classroom, discussing it at lunch, and waiting for the reality of the situation to sink in. I was in a state of depression that night. I had been overloaded with information and terrible pictures that day. I cried that night for the first time in years. The next few days were more of the same at school. We watched CNN all day to see if there were any new developments. I went to give blood but was turned away by a lady who said that they had enough and would ask for blood from teenagers if there was a shortage.At school they set up a collection for the Red Cross. I donated $25. Now, months later, I can see everything in perspective. I agree with President Bush's "War on Terrorism" as long as every effort to save civilian lives is made in the process. These views are shared by few of my classmates. The shallow, ignorant fucks say "Nuke the whole country!" and "That whole country is full of terrorists!" It makes me angry to see how some "patriots" act in times like these. This does NOT make me proud to be an American. I hope that the United States can recover from this catastrophe and rise as a stronger, wiser nation.
Steve | 15 | Georgia
#193 | Sunday, October 7th 2001
I was in Homeroom when I first saw the footage of the first building that was hit. The teachers weren't allowed to tell us what was going on or something, so we all just thought there had been a small fire. Then the second plane hit but nobody saw it. All they saw was fire. When I went to first hour, they didn't show anything else because they thought the younger kids would be scared, and some of them were crying by the end of the day.
Nicole | 13 | Georgia
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