#627 | Saturday, January 12th 2002
I was sitting at my new job when I first heard the news...My instructor was thinking that they were not serious when they came in and interrupted our class...he joked aobut going home and getting his gas mask...I was very unsure what was actually going on...but when I started to check some of the news sites and saw with my very own eyes a plane crashing into one of the buildings..I was stunned...I felt numb all over..I was't sure on how I was supposed to react....should I cry be mad, What was I to do? So I just sat there and cried and wondered why would someone want to hurt thousands of innocent people...so I just sat there with the hope that one day our country could stand for what it once had, FREEDOM AND LIBERTY FOR ALL! And wanted to get home to be with my family with the fear that I could lose them at any given moment...I just wanted to be at home with them feeling the comfort and joy that I still had them to be with. My regrets go out to all who lost someone who cannot be replaced...and in the event that Americans are getting thier revenge it still doesn't help to make what happened ever go away instead there is more pain and loss for those who overseas fighting this silly war....Although helping some people with their grief knowing that we are doing something about it...it still doesn't make it go away nor will it ever! LONG LIVE AMERICA AND AMERICANS!
April | 24 | Michigan

#603 | Wednesday, January 2nd 2002
I was in class at Eastern Michigan University, and had heard about a plane hitting the world trade center. I had convinced some of my friends that it was probably just a small plane, and a freak accident. Knowing a little bit about the structure of the building, i figured that there was minimal damage and that possibly only the pilot had died. Little did I know that the world had changed.
When out of class, i turned on National Public Radio and heard the full report on the trade center, pentagon, and pennsylvania. i was beyond angry, especially since my father had been on a plane to LA, and my sister was working in Manhatten. I did not know where either of them were for a while. Needless to say, when i heard the actual report, i drove home at about 70 miles per hour (on a regular street), just to get home to hear the news on my family. Luckily they were ok.
Then I saw the footage. the people jumping, the towers being hit, and the crumbling. my heart sank so deep, i almost could not breathe. i have not yet cried, and do not want to, for that would mean the perpetrators would have accomplished something. i am steadfast in supporting the erradication of terrorist attacks, and remain hopeful for the world's future.
Lastly, i recommend everyone visit the sight before it is cleaned up. I have since been to Manhatten, and i am only more proud because of it. stay strong everybody, and trust that things will be ok.

Casey | 23 | Michigan

#586 | Sunday, December 30th 2001
I first heard of what was happenings on September 11 when I was at school during my third hour class. I walked into the classroom just like a regular day and my teacher had the TV on, and the horrifying pictures were just coming in. I didn't think it was real, and once I knew it was, I just couldn't believe it was happening. Who ever thought that something like this would happen to the United States!

God Bless those who lost their lives that day, and God Bless America!

Tom | 18 | Michigan

#584 | Saturday, December 29th 2001
Where was I on September 11, 2001 I was in school sitting in my second hour. When a worker at the school came into my class and told us to turn on CNN. When I seen the First Tower after it was hit and I was shocked and terrified. I live in Romulus, Michigan and my school is very close to the airport I was scared that the school would get hit or something. Soon the bell rang and I was going to my 3rd hour I soon seen the second tower get hit and I was shocked then weeks later I hadn't heard anything more about the towers or the families. I am scared more then anything then I heard a song by Alan Jackson Where Were You When The World Stopped Turning. It was shocking to hear a song that said everthing that was going on and how I was feeling.
April | 17 | Michigan

#510 | Tuesday, December 18th 2001
I was at work at the Dearborn, Michigan Ford Engine plant when I heard what happened. Because it's a new area there we had Italians, Germans, English, and Mexicans working on the new machinery {it's part of the contract for the first few years} we ALL were just shocked! One German guy {Ziggy} kept saying "What?" "No! This can't be! Not here!" We listened as we heard the first attack and the second and the third. Most of the Rogue complex was told they could go home. We were not. It made me kind of mad to think that I would die here at work instead of with my family. The Rogue complex has to be the biggest automotive complex in the world and would make a good target. Just made me mad that Ford would want us to stay and let the rest leave.
I remember looking around and thinking if the roof started coming "in", where could I jump to real quick to be safe. I kept thinking when will it end... when I heard of the third attack. Rumours on the radio were flying of this was going to be attacked next then that was. I was really edgey at work. I was hoping my kids were OK and what the school was telling them, if anything.
The next day 2 arabic men were taken up front for questioning.
I do remember to hug my wife and kids EVERY day before work since then, because it goes to show, you never know.

Lawrence | 38 | Michigan

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