#2343 | Wednesday, September 11th 2002
I have no words, just a well of emotions that keeps overflowing.
Scott | 33 | Ohio

#2237 | Wednesday, September 11th 2002
I was at work at the time of the attacks. I am a receptionist at a manufacturing facility. A co-worker had come by my desk and said that his wife just called and told him that a plane had just hit the World Trade Center. My first thought was that it was a small plane and I didn't think too much about it. I went on answering the phone and he came back by and said his wife just phoned again and that there were now two planes that had hit. So, I got onto the internet to see what was going on. It took a good 15 minutes to find a news site that I could get into and by then there were pictures posted of the planes flying into the buildings. A couple of minutes later one of the towers collapsed. By that time there was a crowd of people around my desk watching as this horror unfolded. I do not know how I or anyone else in the building continued to work. At that point I believe we were all on automatic. We watched the internet and listened to radios the rest of the day. I was in such a state of shock, I couldn't even cry for those lost. That came later after I got home and turned on the tv set. My 15-year old son refused to watch any more. He said they had watched all day at school and he didn't care to watch people dying over and over again. Since 9/11/01 I have over and over again remembered the numb and shocked feeling that was with me that day and pray to God that it will not be repeated. I cannot imagine the courage it must have taken for the passengers on the flight which crashed in PA, not realizing what was planned or what was happening at the time, when they overcame the terrorists and gave their lives. I hope everyone remembers this day always and prays for the families and friends of the victims of this terrible tragedy.
Sheila | 33 | United States

#2097 | Wednesday, September 11th 2002
L'11 Settembre 2001 ero in vacanza.
Mentre l'altra parte del mondo si piegava davanti alla tragedia, io ero tranquillamente distesa al sole in una splendida spiaggia francese, cercando di prolungare il più a lungo possibile quell'ultimo giorno di vacanza.
Il cellulare spento, per estraniarci dal mondo almeno qualche ora.
E ancora la sera davanti al telegiornale, senza capire una parola di francese, non riuscivo a valutare la gravità della situazione. Solo il rapido,inesorabile ed immutabile succedersi delle immagini mi ha messo di fronte l'inimmaginabile.
Riesco ancora a percepire la discrepanza di emozioni che si accavallarono in me in quei momenti, in pochi istanti passai dalla gioiosa spensieratezza alla tristezza, alla paura, all'odio.
Come tutti, guardando crollare i sogni, le speranze, le gioie, rimasi senza fiato e piansi.
Un'anno è ancora troppo poco per colmare il dolore e il vuoto lasciato da
quel maledetto giorno.
Remembrance will never die.

Carla | 33 | Italy

#1946 | Tuesday, September 10th 2002
My 33rd birthday was on Tuesday, Sept. 11. I was at work and heard the news on my local classic rock station. ... It is a birthday I will not soon forget.
... That night my sister sent me an instant message to call my father in Georgia. I replied, "What's wrong? What happened?" She said, "It's your birthday." I had forgotten.
— Bruce Mueller, Colorado Springs

Bruce | 33 | Colorado

#1943 | Tuesday, September 10th 2002
I was in my home in Texas waiting for my day care children to arrive, when my brother called and told me I'd better turn on the television. I was in utter disbelief, and stood and cried the whole day. As my day care children came in that morning, the parents stood and watched. I will never forget the horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach, that lingered for many weeks. I will never forget and I will always keep my thoughts and love of the victims in my heart.
Stacy | 33 | Texas

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