#666 | Friday, January 25th 2002
I was at home, when the first plane hit, then, later, i went to school and the second hit plane hit right before science.
RandyC | 13 | California
#611 | Saturday, January 5th 2002
Where was I? I was in school in Social Studies class. We were having a test and it was very quiet. Then a teacher came in, whispered something in my SS teachers ear, and then left, sniffing. My teacher but on the television and the first words we heard were, "The World Trade Centers have been hit." I immediately looked up. My uncle worked there a lot. As the picture came up, everyone gasped. My teacher cursed loudly. I was totally shocked, but felt a bit secure. 'They'll clean it up. It was an accident.' So my teacher turned off the TV cause many people were getting upset. We returned to our work.
Fifteen minutes later, another teacher comes in in tears. She tells my teacher to turn on the news and (i swear this is true) the first words that came out of the television were, "The twin towers have collapsed. An estimate of the dead is being made. Maybe of four thousand."
I immediately was shocked. Everyone was gaping at the televison as if it had sprouted wings or something. As we watched the report, saw the smoke and flames, the reality sunk in. It was gone, people were dead. What was happening?
So many people were upset that day. I cried a very many times and a few people were sent home. But I will never forget where I was when it happened. I will never forget the shock that came over me. I will never forget what happened on the morning of September 11th, 2001.
Hermione | 13 | New Jersey
#525 | Tuesday, December 18th 2001
On September 11 2001 I was At home in Washington getting ready for school when I heard the news was so sad. I was glad that we all took time out in te middle of the day to remember the people who died. I just dont kow why those people did such a think I think it was horibly. They had no reason to do such a think no reason is a good reason to kill hundreds of people. I hope they catch those people and make them pay for what they did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amanda | 13 | Washington
#524 | Tuesday, December 18th 2001
During the September 11th attack, I was most likely asleep as the plane hit the first building. I found out by hearing my mom telling my sister as I was walking out of the bathroom (getting ready for school) I heard her say the word "terrorist" and "hijacking" and I asked her what happened. She told me the World Trade Center Buildings were hit by hijacked plains. I never even heard about the trade centers before (I feel a little ashamed of that now), but I ran into the living room and turned on the news. I sat on the couch in astonishment as I watched one of the buildings come tumbling down. I felt very sad, followed by anger. My dad was going crazy, but he always is anyways. He said it might of been Lybia, since something went on with us and them in the past. At this time, I had no idea who the evil Bin Laden (or shall we say Bin Hidin') until the people in my class were bringing it up - they cared about all this, opposed to the brats in my first period class, who were laughing at the people trying to excape the smokey mess - we were watching the news in 1st period. I stared them down and just glared at them. I hate them for that. Anyways... back to when I was still at home. I was talking to my mom about it and we were hoping that the people working there didn't go to work that early. On the way to school, I was thinking about any possibility that would spare a life - running late for work, staying home sick. Wouldn't they be so glad they were around the person who had the flu? Wouldn't they appreciate that nail on the ground that caused that flat tire? Or the person who dropped it? Or that they didn't take the shortcut, where the nail wasn't at? What about that slow driver? Can all these annoyances be good afterall? But not many people were late for work, since thousands died.
My patriotism and appreaciation for being an American has really changed so much. I thought living in America wasn't much of a deal. I didn't really think about how lucky we are. We could have been born at any of the many countries in this world... but lucky for us, we were born in America. I could be in Afghanistan starving - we all could, if not dead from starvation.
About the attacks on America, right now I feel angry at bin laden (yeah, I know its not capitalized, but why should a person so evil and cruel have his name in caps? He is not important to us... he doesn't stand as no heroic figure, not to us. But whats important is that he's captured) and I also feel mad at the terrorists that helped him accomplist his sicko little goals, and I'm glad they are burning in the place that welcomes them with fiery arms of death. Those arms will be opened for Bin Laden, after his torturing, slow, painful death... not comitted by himself, but comitted by the people he thinks are so weak and littleminded.
You know what I want to see happen? Let me tell you first what I don't want to see. I don't to see old news, or commercials, and I DO NOT want to see sports headlines. I want to see this heading "Bin Laden Captured". That would make my day. I want to see a video of him being captured, and I want to see the look on his face - the humiliation of being caught by those he thinks are so incapable. I want to see him going mad, in the jail cell tearing apart pillows with his teeth. I want words ingraved in the wall that say, "CAMEL NOSE". Some more that I won't even mention because it would be offensive to some, or not good for children to see.
Ok, I will calm down. Some things I did to help were: I donated a few bucks when my leadership class was collecting money for the victims of the September 11th attacks, and their family members. I went around the school during lunch, and collected money from the students. I helped at the dances; the money we made was sent to the fund. I prayed for the families to be strong after losing loved ones. I prayed that the people in hospitals would get better. I prayed that nothing like this would happen again. But it did (on memorial day), and they say terrorists weren't responsible for this. I think it's possible but I don't stress it.
Now, bin laden says that we have more to expect, but I think that is BULL because we are getting closer and closer, and who's gonna be there to instruct the terrorists? I'm sure he's going to be allowed to make phone calls! Of course... lets let the man do whatever he wants.
Now, I don't think I have any more to say about this, just that: To all the people who have lost family and friends, I want to say that the planes were landed safely in Heaven, after a brief landing in hell to drop off the hijackers. The people you love are in Heaven, having a much better time then they did here. You will see them when the time comes. They will never be taken away by anyone again. I'm sure you don't want to wait, and if you think you can't, you must. If you end your life now, you will be with the hijackers PERMANENTLY, forever. No matter what else may happen, you HAVE to wait. My prayers continue, and I hope all of yours' will too. Pray for our future, pray for the capturing of Bin Laden... the sooner, the better. And last but not least, you might want to think twice when you get a flu or a flat tire, or an annoying slow driver. It might be a sign.
Stephanie | 13 | California
#517 | Tuesday, December 18th 2001
On September 11/2001 I was taken nack by all the horriable acts of haterd. I was in school at the time and thought nothing of the incident but a little sorry for the victims. When I got home later that evening I realised how big the attacks were! They took my breath away each time the planes hit and I was terriablely angry at the people who were a part of this horrablie act!
Kerry | 13 | Canada
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