

#1033 | Friday, March 15th 2002
I was at work in a hospital the morning of Sept. 11th. A radio was on and suddenly the announcement said a plane had crashed into the WTC. Thinking is was a horrible aviation accident, we turned up the volume for more details. To our horror, we heard a second plane had crashed into the WTC, another into the pentagon and still another crash in Pennsylvania! We couldn't imagine how all of a sudden 4 planes were falling out of the sky! We had no idea what or how the morning's events would impact our lives/country in the days ahead. I will always remember where/what I was doing the day President Kennedy was killed, Challenger blew up, and events of Sept. 11th. I pray our political leaders can bring to justice dead/alive those who are responsible for the tragic loss of so many innocent people and the family/friends of those left behind. I am a proud American, God Bless us all!
lm | 51 | Colorado
#619 | Wednesday, January 9th 2002
Hello, I was in the wet climes of North West London England at the time and about a week later was suddenly startled by the fact that a social/world problem poem I had left [unfinished] on my pc back in August was just a bit too close to the mark even for my own liking. I added/adjusted a few lines [...Laden by, Nostradamus bits and fading hooves] just to round it off and keep myself sane.
Someone must apologise to the families of all war ravaged people until as a world we get it RIGHT.
If you will accept my offering please read on.
The Jungle jumped down a thousand feet
Of New York's finest, faded concrete.
Unable to grow from opulent, opaque glass,
Reflecting only wasted heat [back] onto the street.
There fiery lamplit rasta-hippies used to pounce
And roll minds together over times' encryption.
Only for falling, flaking, cutting tear duct cinders
From oxidised terminals 'ledgered' high,
To cause Hubble sized dementia,
And let another, unseen,
Laden by.
An ancient revenge the genie tapped in,
Causing Leadenhall and Bells to ring.
With captains of industry tacking hard away from crashes,
Nor could they turn back for corporates falling by,
Blaming each other for their own cocaine flashes,
Hiding profits for a ten year 'high'.
Of which we were all the pay me for a line and the night time tube.
Giving coverage of Future's buying Asian plains.
Only to see war strew them with human stew,
And save some glory for the mid-west pans.
Yet there is even more in common -
if we so choose, an east-west flair for four cloven hooves.
But 'til now us and the U.S. had become obese,
Oblivious for the need to queue,
For food,
Or space flight and the encryption call.
Some of us mistake [mistook?] those video self-made rushes,
Hurled violently against the violet 'behind you!' wall.
It's cctv crime watch, your own shadow in vision.
for no advert ever gave absolution for our souls.
We all watch absorbed,
The 2D simulation of rainbow's arches.
Watch apauled the third world writhing mad.
Watch enthralled the ancient world's matching puzzle,
Watch and adore brazen hussies chosen by the sad.
Watch 'annured' the west world's eighteen holes.
But never watch the whole world's missing souls...
... which tend to end their connection after each large and final meteor squall.
Still up high, but no! Now two thousand feet,
Sad, white ticker tape parades -
Then transforms to cloud -
And rumbles down the street.
Where still the coughing, crouching terrorist aura greets,
To feast of human, desouled meat.
And laugh at equal uncaring brothers' eye,
Staring disconnected from the shards of opulent glass -
Now piling high.
Nostradamus and his headache spoke
Not just of twin towers,
And of tripods with no faces shown [but flew],
Yet also of cataclysms beyond his powers.
Not knowing if any to space had flown,
[or grew.]
Indeed before the meteor thud that is ours!
He suggests we have yet two more thousand years,
So please don't let that end - end in tears!
Now, no more vast predictions,
For now is found the returning clue.
No more flat universal theories,
Just black holes warping the double helix view.
For if it is the archaeologists' dream,
To find lost cvilisations' lairs...
With whom did our universe once begin?
And beautifully still lay twinkling there?
And so rebegin the the space flight trine,
{Please U.S. to take the 'foreign' policy role!}
As the United Nations are placed in Palestine.
As the meteor rumbles after the remaining souls.
All to the sound of fading hooves...
Ian | 51 | United Kingdom
#503 | Tuesday, December 18th 2001
September 11, 2001: the day America changed forever. This wasn’t supposed to happen on American soil. A sense of disbelief overwhelmed me as I listened to television reporters after the first plane hit the World Trade Center speculating whether a pilot had been blinded by the early morning sun or, more ominously, a terrorist might have struck. Then, as I watched, the second plane hit. I woke my husband and told him the world had gone crazy. There was no doubt now that it was a deliberate attack. I watched most of the day as the awful truth unfolded: that innocent citizens had been used to kill more innocent citizens. The Pentagon is struck, a plane goes down in Pennsylvania. It is surreal.
We have lost so much. We have lost brothers and mothers and uncles and best friends. They are next-door-neighbors who work hard, love their families, and have modest dreams. And they are gone forever.
There is an overwhelming urge to touch the hands and faces of those you love. Those you can’t touch physically, you call on the phone. “I love you.”
By mid-afternoon I moved away from the television coverage long enough to go out into the streets, where already cars and trucks are festooned with American flags. There are long lines at the gas stations, where it is rumored prices are tripling and quadrupling. Even in a relatively small Kansas city, the familiar rhythm of the normal is somehow skewed.
By evening we began to learn of the ordinary people who had done so many extraordinary things throughout the day. They were called heroes. And they are.
Linda | 51 | Kansas
#397 | Saturday, December 8th 2001
I was sound asleep, when the phone rang. My neighbor (who is British but has lived here for almost 20 years) was screaming hysterically at me to "turn on the telly, we're going to war." She hung up. I crawled out of bed, found the remote, then turned on the TV. With the exception of walking the dogs several times a day, I didn't move from the TV for the next three days. I also had my system up and running, with the Emergency Network page on, so that I would get notification of things as fast as the information was released. I spoke via email, to family and friends all over the world; all were as horrified as I was here, as we all were.
It was devastating to watch the events unfold, and I sat for hours with tears running down my face. Watching the World Trade Center towers collapse was a nightmare beyond belief. Seeing the devastation at the Pentagon was horrifying. The plane down in Pennsylvania was mind-numbing, even moreso when the news came out that the passengers were instrumental in bringing the plane down to prevent yet another attack. The heroics of all involved were frightening and yet amazing; the loss of life was staggering.
There are times yet today, that I still don't believe that it has happened. And yet, I know it has, that things have changed forever, and that life does go on. Things will never be the same again, but I also know that we are a strong people, that we make a strong nation, and that justice will eventually prevail. I also know that this country found more heroes on this one day, than we will probably ever see for the rest of our lives.
God bless and keep all those who lost loved ones.
Jo | 51 | Missouri
#320 | Saturday, December 8th 2001
I live in the Central Time Zone, so at 8am I rolled over and turned on the radio to help me wake up. The news announcer was talking about a fire in the top of the World Trade Center. I decided to get up and see if there were pictures, yet, on the TV. I stumbled into the living room and clicked on the television where, indeed, Good Morning, America had the WTC on the screen. They were discussing how a plane had crashed into one of the towers when I saw a plane crash into the other one! The hosts gasped and immediately started to say that this was NOT an accident like they thought the first plane was. I just sat there stunned beyond belief. I could not believe the utter horror I was witnessing. From that moment on I never left the couch except for short sprints to the kitchen or bathroom. When it got to a later time, I called my dad in California and told him something terrible had happened and to turn on his TV. He doesn't listen to the radio or watch much TV so he needed to hear what had happened.
What I did next was get out our flag and put it up. I didn't have a flag holder attached to the house so I put some nails up under the porch and hung it flat. It took many weeks for me to find a bracket so I could put up my flag with the pole. I still put my flag out every day and take it in at night. Yes, it is a pain to remember, but I am showing my support for all the men and women who are fighting back for the evil done to our innocent civilians. Not only for my own countrymen and women, but for the hundreds of people from other countries who were also killed, do I put the flag out.
May God stamp out the evil that perpetrated this horrendous thing on the world.
Karen | 51 | Florida
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