

#1793 | Monday, September 9th, 2002
I am a 14 year old girl from australia and want to say that the tragic events that happened on september 11th 2001 were very terrible and touched my hearts deeply. i was at school when i first found out about what had happened and i just want everyone who knew or was related to on of the lost souls on that day, that my heart goes out to them and i cant and never will be able to imagine what pain they were and are going through. even though i knew none of the unfortunate that lost their lives i shead tears for them and prey they rest in peace in the beautiful afterlife ahead of them.
Tina | 14 | Australia
#1794 | Monday, September 9th, 2002
Hi, im a 12 year old girl from Australia my name is Kirsten and i have just recently been to America (You are al very nice people!!) and how nice the people over there are. I can't imagine the pain you guys felt all over the country. When i first saw it i was still awake at 11:00pm when it first aired on Australian television. AS soon as i saw it my heart broke. so i am feeling for so bye.
Luv Kirsten
Kirsten | 12 | Australia
#1795 | Monday, September 9th, 2002
I was at work in Milton Keynes UK. I overheard someon ein the office mention that a plane had hit the Wolrd Trade Centre. At that stage I had no idea what kind of impact just one plane would have, but thought it would be major. I thought it was an accient. Then another phone call and another plane. The office was in a frenzy instead of the usual dreary morning activity people we trying to find information out. the internet was jammed access to all the news sites was slow and impossible. I tried my WAP phone, but kept logging out. I called my wife at home to see if she knew anything and she was watching SKY NEWS. She said it looked bad and it was thought to be deliberate attacks.
I will never forget that day, even though I knew no-one there I know people who work close by. No one could say they were not touched by these events and the aftermath.
Now a year on ( 2002) the memories are flooding back. God Bless all those who lost loved ones and God Bless America amd the world, in its fight against the evils of terrorism.
Kevin | 27 | United Kingdom
#1796 | Monday, September 9th, 2002
I was on holiday with my husband in Rhodes at the time, we were staying in Lindos and had been to Rhodes town for the day.
As we walked past one of the bars we saw a crowd of people gathered around a TV screen and at first I thought it was a movie or something. It wasn't until my daughter text me a message on my mobile phone from the UK that we realised the horror of the events in New York. We went back down to the bar and everyone was sitting in stunned silence as the events unfolded before us on Sky News.
All of us sitting in that bar wept for all of the poor souls whose lives were snuffed out like candles by misguided fanatics.The sight of those people jumping from the towers will haunt me forever.
I send my heartfelt condolences to all the families who have suffered the loss of a loved one, and as the first anniversary approaches, we will remember the courage and bravery of all involved.
My prayers and love are with you all in this difficult time.
Steph | 47 | United Kingdom
#1797 | Monday, September 9th, 2002
I was on the 77th Floor of 2 World Trade Center when the second plane crashed into the building.
Allan | 29 | New York
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