#1983 | Tuesday, September 10th, 2002
I was getting up and ready for work when I check my email and saw the headlines thinking that the first plane was a mistake by the time I turned on the TV and found out that the Pentagon and the other Tower was hit I knew this was something serious. Tuesday was my day off from classes and all I did was getting non-stop updates and trying to find out how my family member were and if any of them went into the city (NYC) since some work in NYC. When I heard the towers go down I immediatly thought of the command centers that were set up in the buildings. I personally knew a few who gave thier lives for their job and wish that people realized that police, firefighters, EMS and even lifeguards put thier lives on the line everyday to protect people cause it's thier job.
Carlos | 20 | Virginia

#1984 | Tuesday, September 10th, 2002
I was at work for Liberty Mutual, one company involved in ensuring the safety of workers involved in the World Trade Center cleanup after Sept 11th. My co-workers and I spent much of the day trying to find out what was going on. With the flood of users trying to access various online news sites, we were unable to reach any sites. We felt lost and confused with no information, and a lot of fear.

A friend worked at a radio station, and he was feeding us information from the AP newswire, but there was so little to learn, and so much left unknown. What little we learned shocked and scared us - we didn't know what was happening next and where. We are in a town north of Boston where there is a nuclear power plant and nuclear submarines - in the uncertainty of what was happening that day, we wondered if we could be targets. We feared for friends and family and anyone we knew who couldn't be accounted for.

The images and information that finally got to us via the internet, mass e-mail chains, television news programs, and even just the faces and sites around us were stunning and heart wrenching.

That night, like many Americans, helpless to find any other way to express my feelings about the day, I hung a large American flag in my front window. For weeks, candles were lit each night in front of that flag - reflections of my hope and prayers for those survivors we were sure would be found. The flag and those candles are still there, and will remain. They will be lit again tomorrow night and those feelings that had subsided will come back. It's a grief unlike any other because it is shared by millions.
Paige | 26 | New Hampshire

#1985 | Tuesday, September 10th, 2002
I am an Australian, so when I first heard that the Trade Centre had been hit by a plane it was late at night on the 12th of September. I had just celebrated my 17th Birthday the day before. It took a time while for the whole situation to sink and I didn't cry about it until the 8th of September this year while watching Australian 60 minutes.
God Bless You All and Stay Strong
Megan | 18 | Australia

#1986 | Tuesday, September 10th, 2002
On the morning of September 11th, 2001 I was ready to go to what was my 4th day of high school in Princeton, NJ. I can remember thinking what a beautiful day it was, there was not a cloud in the sky. The day continued as usual as I oriented myself with a new school.
I was in band class with Dr. Biancosino when the planes hit the towers. Of course, at the time I was much more concerned about not embarassing myself with my less than amazing trumpet skills, than the terror that was unfolding in lower Manhattan. I would not hear about the attacks until my next period, Geometry with Mr. Manzer.
Class was going as usual when my teacher was called out of the classroom. When he returned he announced that two planes had collided with the World Trade Center towers, this was all we knew. The class became frantic as we began to analyze the situation.
Computers was next. The vast world of the internet was now at my fingertips.
It was then that what had really happened became apparent. I now knew about the attack on the Pentagon and the plane crash in Pennsylvania. I also knew that the towers which I had known for my whole life were destroyed. I then realized that I had a friend who attended school at Stuyvesant High, blocks away from ground zero. Fear set in.
In history class we began to get more information which I now know to be false. We were told that in addition to what had actually happened, a car bomb exploded outside the State Department, the National Mall was on fire, there was an explosion on Capitol Hill, and there were four more planes still in the air. This was one of the scariest moments of my life. As time went on, things calmed down.
Having lived in Brooklyn, NY for 7 years I felt a real connection to New York and those towers. I will never forger what happened that day, September 11th, 2001.
Brian | 15 | New Jersey

#1987 | Tuesday, September 10th, 2002
I remember coming home form taking my 5 year old daughter to school, my husband a Fireman at the time called and asked me to turn on the telivision. Of course as soon as I did so I dropped to my knees in horror. The first plane had just hit the tower, then right before my eyes the second one. I stood there not knowing what to say or what to do. I couldn't for the life of me begin to imagine what was going on. Then when it was announced that it was an act of terrorism, I felt angered. I remember feeling as if I was lost in a room that went on forever. I am only 26, but I knew what was going on. To this day I still shudder, and ask why. My heart goes out so deeply to those who were lost, and those who lost. My patriotism has never been stronger, evn one year later. I truley understand what it means to say I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!! I will forever remember and long for the terrorist to be certain, They didn't break America, all they achieved was unity that can not be matched.
Jennifer | 26 | South Carolina

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