#2019 | Tuesday, September 10th, 2002
I was stiing in history class. Another teacher had come in and told our teacher to turn the tv on. The first thing I saw was the second plane hitting live. I left school in tears a couple periods later. Thusly, my life has been different ever since that oh so crushing day.
Chris | 18 | Ohio

#2020 | Tuesday, September 10th, 2002
I was in my 7:00 am electronics lab at BYU. I was in the middle of working on my lab when I heard people start talking about what was going on in NY. I couldn't believe what was going on. Everything seemed to stop. The TV was turned on and everyone stopped what they were doing to watch. Suddenly working on my lab didn't seem so important. I eventually did finish my lab and went straight home. I wasn't affected directly by the loss of anyone close but as an american citizen, it hurt deep. I still can't believe it.
Scott | 24 | Utah

#2021 | Tuesday, September 10th, 2002
My husband and I were both on vacation. We had slept in and Jim was fixing pancakes for breakfast. I turned on the TV so we could watch "The Price is Right" and there was the World Trade Center in flames. At first I didn't realize where it was and then I thought it was just on fire. I can't even describe how I felt when I realized it was a terrorist attack. Sick, scared, I don't have the words. Later that day cars started to line up in the street in front of our house. They were waiting to get gas. I turned the scanner on and found out that it was that way all over town. The police had to come out and direct traffic. We went to visit my mother-in-law in the nursing home where she was recuperating from knee surgery and as we sat in the garden and looked at the clear blue sky with not a jet trail in sight that is when I made up my mind not to be scared. If we change the way we live if we allow them to frighten us into not living a normal life then they have won. My heart goes out to all those who lost their lives and all those who lost loved ones in these horrendous attacks. I will always remember but I will not be afraid.
Loretta | 42 | Illinois

#2022 | Tuesday, September 10th, 2002
Five time zones away from ground zero, I was asleep during the attack. I do not typically turn on the television or radio while getting ready for work. But after dropping my daughter off at school, I turned on the news in the car. I was thoroughly confused. The anchor woman kept saying we did not know exactly where the president was... as if he was literally missing. Then it seemed as though he had been kidnapped -- that hijackers were on Air Force One. I was worried and surprised.

But the reality, the truth that I then watched over and over on the television during the next few days, was a million times worse. I can still remember that it was a sunny day and I can even remember the section of road that I was driving down when I first heard something was terribly wrong in our country. And I can remember, and continue to feel, the pain of losing thousands of Americans. I did not personally know a single person lost on September 11th. Yet, somehow, I feel like a piece of me is missing. Maybe it is my innocence and naiveté. They crumbled, like the towers, exactly one year ago.
Jessica | 29 | Alaska

#2023 | Tuesday, September 10th, 2002
I woke up in my dorm at The University of Iowa for my 8:30 French class. I got down from my bunk and saw my roommate had left the television on. I watched and was horrified. I first thought it was an accident. I remember thinking about what an awful, awful plane crash there had been. It affected me right away and I immediately prayed for everyone involved. After I watched more I understood that it was in fact two planes and it was not an accident. A complete shrill of fear ran through me as I began to cry. I was 20 years old and had never experienced anything like what I was seeing or hearing. My generation has been lucky. As I packed my bag in tears and praying for New York City, America, the families of the vicitms, the victims themselves, I took a moment to pray for the cause of this tragedy. It was an erie walk to the bus stop. Silence roamed the campus. I stepped onto the bus and it is a moment I will never forget. As I walked up the stairs I heard a British broadcaster over the radio talking of the news. Everyone on the bus took a deep breath as the bus started to take off. The once noisy,hot, crowded, busy bus became silent, cold, scarey, and full of wonder. Here we all stood students of the University, the next generation of workers, parents, of all nationalities, cultures, and up-bringings. We stood together on one tiny bus with a stunned look in our eye. I was thinking that I was proud to be an American and I know we can overcome this. I was wondering what we could do all the way out in Iowa to help out. And yet another part was so very scared. It is September 11 2002 I have a French class at 8:30 and will walk the same campus and see some of the same faces. Moving on, but still remembering, never forgeting.
Megan | 21 | Iowa

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