#2034 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
At first I was at school.. and when I was going home, I met my grandmother on the bus..we talked and the busdriver talked to the people on the bus..and think that nobody knew what had happend..

When I came home, my family was sitting in the living room and they was looking at the TV..and didn't know what has happend, I asked and they said what was going on..

The first thing I thougth of was my two friend that lived in New york..but they was ok..

God Bless America!!!
Siv | 18 | Norway

#2035 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
I am a former New Yorker who now lives in Jerusalem, Israel.

When I found out about the attacks, I was in a friend's storeroom (which she had turned into a haircutting salon) and my five-year-old was getting her hair cut. It was around 4:30 p.m. local time.

The phone in the salon rang, and my friend, who usually does not take calls while she's working, picked up the call because it was her husband, who INSISTED on talking to her.

Of course, I could only hear her end of the conversation, which consisted of "Oh my God!" and "I don't believe this!" and "What? WHAT?" and so on. We were one year into the latest "intifada" and I thought for sure there had been another suicide bombing.

She finally hung up the phone, and I took a deep breath before I asked "It was another pigua (attack), right?"

And she laughed strangely and said "Yeah. But not here!"

It turned out her husband, who had been downtown, saw the attacks on the World Trade Center playing out on televisions in some appliance store. Like others on the street, he had at first thought it was a movie, until he realized there were too many people gathered watching this "movie" and had stopped to find out what was happening.

And my friend finished cutting my (rather confused) daughter's hair.

When I left the salon, I hadn't yet heard that the towers had fallen. I remember leaving the place feeling strangely uplifted for a few minutes, thinking that this had to be a major step towards the eventual arrival of the Messiah.

As a religious person, I had often wondered how we would know he was really coming. To me, this seemed to be a pretty clear message that the world was going to change in a fundamental fashion, and that Messiah's arrival would be the last step.

Only later, when I got home and started seeing on the Internet the videos of the incredible destruction did I start to feel terribly depressed. By then we knew that no members of our families in NY had been anywhere near there, but the sorrow was deep and hard to shake for many weeks.

The funny thing is that a couple of months later the daughter who was having her hair cut that day started badgering me to let her hair grow out so she could have a ponytail "like all her friends."

I had kept my older girls' hair short until I was sure they could take care of it themselves, but for some reason I agreed to let her grow it, and I haven't cut it since.

And now, every time I struggle to get her still-wispy side hairs into the ponytail, I remember.

surie | 42 | Israel

#2036 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
Sept 11th – Words are so inadequate to describe the feelings as the events unfolded on that terrible day I was at work in Stockport, England. The company I work for and the street I live in is directly under the flight path into Manchester Airport – every time a plane went over my heart was in my mouth, I have no idea of the scale of fear everybody in America must have felt on 09/11. You are all so brave & hopefully the 1 good thing that may come out of this tragedy is that we can rid the world of these fanatical terrorists who murder in the name of God. My heartfelt sorrow to all those who were affected by this tragedy my thoughts are always with you. Love & peace always Nicola Mullin & family xxxx
Nicola | 31 | United Kingdom

#2037 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
I remember my mum came to visit me that fateful day (is it really a year ago already?). I just could not believe what I was seeing - I feel the USA is like a second home to me, I've visited many times and want to return in future. Until then, my love and prayers go out to you all out there....let's hope nothing like that will ever be allowed to happen again and that Bush and Blair know what they're doing. Jane, Shoreham by Sea, England (Janeshoreham@yahoo.co.uk).
Jane | 43 | United Kingdom

#2038 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
I was at home in England watching a movie when of a sudden the a news flash came up saying a plane has crash into the twin tower my heart was thumping really hard and then i saw the second one hit that when i realise this was no accident i had tears to my eyes and said why would anyone want to hurt so many people, i watched then news and i was so upset to see many people killed. My heart goes out to the families and
i pray for them may the victims rest in peace. This is the day that will never be forgotten in the 21st century for a such tradegy to happen.

god bless you America
rena | 30 | United Kingdom

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