#2209 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
I was in a cross-cultural psychology class (my last semester of college). It's funny how appropriate that class is to the situation. I didn't find out until the next period when my philosophy professor came into the room crying and she quickly told us what had happened in unclear terms. Nobody really understood. Obviously nothing this major has ever happened in my generation that we are old enough to remember clearly. I thought it was overseas, and though that would still be devastational, it does not hit home like what really happened. It's amazing one year later to watch everyone come together again. It brings goosebumps to my skin to watch the unity form. I am proud to be an American and part of the free world. I think we definitely take for granted what we consider rights. I give thanks to all the heroes that serve and have served to give us this freedom.
Rebecca | 22 | Rhode Island

#2210 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
I worked the night before, so I got home at around 8:30. I played with my brother's dog for a little while, and then went to bed when my mom left for work around 8:45. A quarter after 11 my mom came home, and woke me and my dad up (my dad also works nights). My dad told me to go watch TV. I was confused, why was I being woken up and told to watch TV? He just said, "go watch it, I'll be there in a second." Not knowing what to say, I went into the living room, watching CNN, seeing the NYC skyline blanketed with thick, black smoke. They were comparing "this" to the bombing in 1993. When my dad sat down I was still confused, what happened? After a few seconds of silence (which felt like hours), my dad said that a plane flew into the World Trade Center, and a second plane into the second tower, and now they're collapsing. My first reaction was that he was kidding. I turned to the TV, and saw the video of the second plane careen sideways into the WTC. My hand flew to my mouth, and I turned to my dad. He just looked at me and nodded. For the better part of that day we sat and watched the news unfold, the world seemingly unraveling into madness. I was completely in shock, especially since a lot of my family is either in the military, or works in either the World Financial Center or down in Washington D.C. Living in New York your whole life, you come to expect a LOT of things, but you never in a million YEARS think something like this is possible.
Bonnie | 21 | New York

#2211 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
I was in my classroom trying to show another teacher how to use GradeSpeed. The radio was playing in the background when we heard about a plane crashing into the first tower. Later we started hearing that we were being attacked. Anxious to learn more about what was going on, I ran home and turned on my TV. A few minutes later I saw as the second plane hit the second tower. Terrified I ran back to school and reported the events. Everyone was in tears and we began to pray. What followed is history. I will never forget this day.
Viola | 51 | Texas

#2212 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
i was sitting in my office waiting to hear from my grandmother to make sure she got home from vegas ok when i heard on the radio that a plane hit the wtc never did i think it was terrorism until the next plane hit. i thought i would just break down i couldnt control my emotions i was worried that maybe my grandmothers plane had been one of the 2. as long as i live i will never forget that day. it has been very hard for me to go on just knowing what happend. in november of last year they took my friend to afganistan he is in the army and i havent seen him since. god bless america
Melissa | 22 | New York

#2213 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
I was at home, asleep. My mother, who was 71 at the time lived with me, and I remember her talking to my sister on the phone in her room. Then I heard the tv go on in there, and she screamed and called me in. I assumed it was some normal accident on the highway or something. I can remember being slighlty ticked that my mom was freaking out over something so small. But I turned the corner into her room and saw this second plane slam into the second tower, and I fell to my knees and I was in compleat shock. She then told me all of what was going on, and I was scared. I was honest to God scared. I did not know if some navy was sitting off our coast, or what. Terrorism never crossed my mind until I had been watching it for 10 or 15 minutes, and then it became all to real, and close. My office called and said everybody stay home, and watch the news for information if we needed to go someplace. Being in Las Vegas, NV, we have a air base, we have all these landmarks, we have Hoover Damn, and we were scared that we were next. My mother and I stayed up all night watching CNN. My mother was angry because she could remember Pearl Harbor very well since she grew up on military bases as a child during WW2, and on the night of 9/11 I held her as she cried. She told me she didn't want to be here to see another 9/11 since it was also my fathers birthday, and she is nto here to see it. She died on 9/3. I don't grieve for her, I grieve for us who have to continue to live in this sick world where evil lurks and the innocent die.
Devin | 24 | Nevada

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