#2219 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
L'undici settembre 2001 ero a Firenze. Io e il mio ragazzo ci eravamo concessi 5 giorni di gita culturale prima di ricominciare con i corsi universitari e, perchè no,per festeggiare il mio 19° compleanno che sarebbe stato il 14 settembre. Eravamo appena tornati in albergo dopo aver visitato Santa Maria Novella e non mi sentivo molto bene.
Accesi la TV, erano più o meno le 14.50 e vidi quello che era successo...
Non riuscivo a crederci, era bruttissimo, non poteva essere vero; vedevo sulla tv i filmati e i servizi della cnn con la scritta "America under attack" o qualcosa del genere. Poi ho pure pensato al film Indipendance day e ho detto:"questi sono gli alieni!!!!"
La sera il megaschermo in Piazza della Signoria con il viso di Bush, giornali in edizione straordinaria e la gente, si, proprio la gente, non sono riuscita a tradurre ad un signore americano quello che c'era scritto sui giornali... Lui mi diceva :"What's the meaning of guerra?" e io pur sapendolo non sono riuscita a dirglielo. Ho visto americani svenire davanti al megaschermo con il discorso del presidente, piangere e domandarsi perchè. Una cosa che non mi dimenticherò mai
Sara | 20 | Italy
#2220 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
I was on my way to a Mothers of Preschoolers meeting on that beautiful morning. Normally, my 2 year old commanded control of the radio with her kiddie song CDs, but for whatever reason, that morning NPR commanded the airwaves with little resistance. It was amazing! As I was driving, I couldn't believe what I was hearing - a plane flying into the World Trade Center? As I finally arrived at my destination, I asked several people if they had heard the news. We proceeded to have a speaker share her wisdom as a home-schooling parent of 3 children. But about 1/2 hour into her presentation, our pastor interrupted, pulling a big-screen down from the ceiling and turned on the television. As a group of about 70 women stared opened jawed at the screen, we collectively watched the tower fall into a pile of rubble in front of our very eyes. Tears, gasps and sighs could be heard throughout the room as we felt the grief of the entire nation in that room. I was sitting next to a wife of an Air Force Reservist and she just said, "Oh my God..." My husband is also in the Air National Guard as a security forces officer and that day our lives changed forever. I managed to reach him at his day job and simply said, "I love you and call the base!" Since September 12, 2001, he has been working active-duty at our local airforce base and continuing to do his full-time job, equating to about 80-85 hours a week away from his family. Just one month ago, he was deployed overseas for a period of 3-months, which has not been confirmed, but we're praying that's all it is.
September 11, 2001 is a day this country will never forget and it is certainly a day that changed my life forever. I know in my heart that God works all things for good and from this tragic incident, He will also do the same. We pray unceasingly that God will use this tragedy to open the minds and hearts of unbelievers around the world and bring us together as one.
MaryBeth | 37 | Massachusetts
#2221 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
It was about 6:30 in the morning when I heard what had happened. I had come down stairs and my father was watching the TV. It was still early and they thought that the plane that had flown into one of the towers may have been a freak accident. As I was sitting getting my backpack ready another plane had hit the other tower. My father had said it might be terrorist but I did not believe him. I went to school and had two classes. During advisory, they made an announcement that we were all going to be sent home. The mayor had told the school that since we were so close to San Francisco International airport it was safer for us to go home. We also learned that the towers had collapsed and that another plane had flown into the Pentagon. We all called our parents to come and get us. During the day we watched clips on the news of what was happening in New York. The scenes looked like they were out of a horror movie. That is the experience that I had on September 11, 2001.
Marie | 14 | California
#2222 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
I went to work as usual in upstate NY, on September 11th, 2001. We heard from someone in the building of a plane crashing into one of the Twin Towers. My first thought was that it was an accident and everyone waited to hear more about it. Shortly afterwards, we were informed of another plane crashing into the other tower. Shock and disbelief were the words I would use to describe my workplace. As the morning went on, another plane crash - this one into the Pentagon, then finally, a plane crash in Pennsylvania. The rest of the day was invoked with utter sadness and disbelief. Who would do this and why? I watched the 2nd tower, live on tv, as it fell. I covered my face and walked out of the room.
Suzanne | 40 | New York
#2223 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
I was on my way to a Mothers of Preschoolers meeting on that beautiful morning. Normally, my 2 year old commanded control of the radio with her kiddie song CDs, but for whatever reason, that morning NPR commanded the airwaves with little resistance. It was amazing! As I was driving, I couldn't believe what I was hearing - a plane flying into the World Trade Center? As I finally arrived at my destination, I asked several people if they had heard the news. We proceeded to have a speaker share her wisdom as a home-schooling parent of 3 children. But about 1/2 hour into her presentation, our pastor interrupted, pulling a big-screen down from the ceiling and turned on the television. As a group of about 70 women stared opened jawed at the screen, we collectively watched the tower fall into a pile of rubble in front of our very eyes. Tears, gasps and sighs could be heard throughout the room as we felt the grief of the entire nation in that room. I was sitting next to a wife of an Air Force Reservist and she just said, "Oh my God..." My husband is also in the Air National Guard as a security forces officer and that day our lives changed forever. I managed to reach him at his day job and simply said, "I love you and call the base!" Since September 12, 2001, he has been working active-duty at our local airforce base and continuing to do his full-time job, equating to about 80-85 hours a week away from his family. Just one month ago, he was deployed overseas for a period of 3-months, which has not been confirmed, but we're praying that's all it is.
September 11, 2001 is a day this country will never forget and it is certainly a day that changed my life forever. I know in my heart that God works all things for good and from this tragic incident, He will also do the same. We pray unceasingly that God will use this tragedy to open the minds and hearts of unbelievers around the world and bring us together as one.
MaryBeth | 37 | Massachusetts
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