#2279 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
On September 11, 2001 I was at home. My aunt called our house at about 6:30. I heard my mom saying, “What, what?” Then she turned on the TV. I came into her room to see what was going on, and why my aunt had called so early. When I came in the room, I saw a tall building on fire, and chaos. It didn’t take long for me to figure out that a plane had run into the twin towers. At the time I had no idea how huge this was, and that people would be talking about it forever. It didn’t take long for the first tower to collapse, and the second following its twin. I remember reporting the news to my mom, and her saying, “Oh my god! Oh my god, we’re going to go to war...” It doesn’t scare me that it’s been a year since September 11, 2001; it scares me that it still feels like yesterday.

sandy | 14 | California

#2280 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
I usually sleep in until 7:00 a.m. p.s.t. My husband is an early riser. On September 11, 2001, he appeared at the bedroom door and told me I'd better get up. When I wandered down the hall, I noticed he was standing in front of the TV, stone-faced. As I turned, I saw the horrifying sight of the twin towers on fire. We both knew there could be as many as 50,000 workers in those buildings and our hearts ached. As we continued to watch with knots in our throats, both towers fell. I sobbed. My husband left the room.

Though we didn't know anyone personally who was lost that day, the victims and their families will be forever in our thoughts and prayers.
Patsye | 56 | Washington

#2281 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
September 11th was a confusing day for me. I wasn't really told what was going on until the next day. I remember my mother waking me up just before she left for work, at 6 am, telling me that a plane had just hit the World Trade Center. I had never heard of the World Trade Center before September 11, 2001. I remember getting up that morning, walking into the living room and seeing the horrible state that New York City was in on that tragic day. I sat down and watched CNN in horror as terrorists attempted to destroy our country. I was picked up for school at about 8:45 AM. My friend's mother picked my friend and me up about 2 hours later. We went back to her house where we sat in front of the television for nearly six hours, while we watched people jumping out of buildings, firefighters and police risking their lives and people fleeing the scene of the disaster. We were all afraid that we would be the next target of the Al Queda. All of us are still scared, but as a country we will unite and conquer. God Bless America and don't lose hope in the Land of the Free!
Charlotte | 14 | California

#2282 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
On September 11, 2001, exactly one year ago, I was watching the horrible terrorist attacks on the television with my mom, dad, and younger sister. I didn’t really understand why the Alkida terrorists would bomb the United States. The first person that my family and I called was my Great-Auntie who lives in New York. We couldn’t get a hold of her though, because the power went out and the phone lines were dead. When my sister and I got to school, all of the teachers and students from third grade to eighth grade and the office staff watched channel two for an hour and a half. We just sat in silence and remembered all of those who passed away during that sad time. The kindergarten through second grade didn’t watch it because they might have gotten scared and wanted to go home. My sister and I stayed at school the whole day. Since school got out at three o’clock, we went out of the classrooms and every grade and staff member went outside, held hands, and said the rosary. I went home and did my homework. That is what I did on September 11, 2001.
Katie | 14 | California

#2283 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002

On the morning of September 11, 2001, I woke up to a stir in my house. My dad was in the shower listening to the radio and started to scream to my mom to turn on the T.V to the news. I ran into the living room to see what all the commotion was about. There on the T.V were the Twin towers in New York being destroyed by a plane. At first we thought it was an accident. We thought maybe the pilot fell asleep or lost control until seconds later a second plane ran into the other tower. We were in shock. We knew that someone had planned this all out and it was not an accident. My heart dropped and I began to weep. An hour later, I arrived to school and my friends were feeling the same way. All day long, we listened to the news and watched the T.V. Mid day we all went out side and held hands and had a moment of silence for all the victims and their families and of course for all the firefighters who became heroes. I know that this day was devastating and will never be forgotten but this only made our country stronger. We became more united then ever.
Haley | 14 | California

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