#2319 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
I was home in my little area of Detroit Lakes in Becker county,MN. In the middle of our United States where not much happens and when it does it really makes me wonder "Why". No one deserves to die like that and no one has the right to do any thing so dastardly to any one!! Know the people were all meant to die at that time and that God works in many ways. That is probably why there were so few people on those air planes. If im right none of them were even half full!! But it was still such a horrible thing to do plus hard to lose family or friends. But in my mind wether friend or foe no one deserved it!! But it was a quick death for most of them. Not all but i only hope God was with them and that they did not suffer, But so useless and senseless it makes a normal mind wonder what they thought they gained. If they were mad at Bush or whom ever why hurt the man next door.
Also know the ex president had problems with same country does not mean you should take it out on innocent people who didnt even know Bush or any one connected to the white house. Almost like Johnny telling his friend Joe " My dad can beat up your dad". Only this was not a childs game. It was more like the end of the world to many families. But God will prevail. Just watch!! Maybe not in our time but some ones!! Please God take over and protect innocent parents plus their children.
Viola | 67 | Minnesota

#2320 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
I had just begun studying at the university in my home city the prvious week, and having done my laundry, I thought I'd just relax and do my usual bit of channel surfing before hitting the books. I turned on Danish Channel 1 where the American Ambassador was being interviewed. I didn't think much of it at first, but while I was checking the TV schedule on teletext I noticed him saying something like "...this tragic event...". Then the interviewer rounded it off and I noticed the words "...terrorist attack. Maybe the worst ever." I switched to CNN to see what was left of the NY skyline engulfed in a giant plume of smoke and dust and a caption reading something like "Both towers at World Trade Center collapsed after being hit by planes." I felt sick.
My TV stayed on the rest of the day and I never got around to sstudying for the next day's classes. What angered me the most was not the attacks themselves. But watching Palestinians living in Denmark actually celebrating this was almost too much. People who had chosen to live in a Western country were celebrating an indirect attack on it. I was furious.
The next couple of days I felt very restless. I wanted so badly to help, but being halfway around the world there was of course nothing I could do. I have thought a lot about what I could and would have done if I had been there. Pictures of people standing there looking for anyone who might have news of their loved ones moved me. I hope I would have gone down there wearing a T-shirt saying "I have big shoulders. Feel free to cry on them."
Paul | 25 | Denmark

#2321 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
I was at an elementary school in the inner city here in St. Louis, Mo. where I work. As the assistant principal, in that environment, over time, you become conditioned to pretty much expecting anything at anytime from anyone. However, I will never forget that day as the events unfolded. I was actually just finishing up a conference with a parent who had brought their son back to school after another fighting suspension. The usually jovial custodian poked his head into my office and told me that, "Two planes had just crashed into the Twin Towers." I could tell by the look on his face he wasn't joking. We went to the television in the library where a small crowd of teachers had gathered. We stood there silently, expressionless, and unbelieving that what we were witnessing as the towers collapsed, could ever be for real. The rest of the day was a flurry of phone activity and visitors to the office. A continuous flow of phone calls from worried parents, and those who came to pick their children up from school. Consoling and assuring other parents that their students were safe took a colossal effort on the behalf of the administrators, teachers, and support staff. I can never begin to fathom what it must have been like to have been there, nor the total devastation that resulted from the attack. Our hearts go out to those who survived, and those who lost their lives. As a nation, we must never forgive or forget the cowardly actions of those who were involved in the attack.
Ed | 38 | Missouri

#2322 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
September 11, 2001. I was a senior at a magnet high school in San Antonio, and while the district didn't even allow its schools to acknowledge what had happened over the announcement and had put a ban on watching tv's for the day, every room in my small high school was tuned to CNN. People were on cell phones, trying to contact their family and friends in New York City. Teachers and students were comforting one another, and praying together.

I was in a state of shock. I never thought that during my life time I would bear witness to such horrific tragedy; that one day my children will ask me where I was on that day. I lost a very dear friend, who had been working at his internship in the second tower. His memory and the memory of everyone who died in the attacks will forever be remembered and honored.

The world will never be the same.
Kelly | 16 | Texas

#2323 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
Keep inside those prayers to those brave men & women for the 1st anniversary of 9/11/01 & always remember that we must never forget.
Thanks & God Bless All Of You & remember to:
"Keep A Song In Everybody's Hearts & Make Words & Music Together & Follow Your Dreams & God Bless America!!!"
Larry | 32 | Nebraska

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