#2393 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
I remember that morning very clearly, like it happened yesterday. I had been awakened by the phone ringing, it was my cousin wondering if my mother was home. I remember being angry at her for waking me up from my deep sleep. I had decided to stay awake since it was already 8:30am and I had things to do that day. I went to the kitchen, made some pop tarts, sat on the couch and turned on Good Morning America. As I was
watching it they broke from their conversation to tell us that there was a small fire a the World Trade Center. I thought to myself, “Oh, well things happen like that,” and switched over to the Today Show. When I switched over they were showing pictures of the WTC and were saying that a plane had flown into it. At that moment I was overcome
with complete awe. I couldn’t believe that some plane could have just "mistakenly" crashed into that large tower. About five minutes later my dad walked in the house from work and I told him. He said he had heard on the radio, and then went to call some people
about a bill. As soon as he picked up the phone, he dropped it, as we both watched the second plane hit the other tower. I remember thinking “Oh my God, what is going on”, and dropped my food. I looked at my dad and he looked at me, We didn’t know what to do. We really
couldn’t do anything at that point. ~~

Later, when the broadcaster came over the television and announced that the Pentagon had been hit I went crazy. I started panicking and couldn’t breathe. I just couldn’t believe that such a terrible thing could happen here in America. My parents had always told me that we were so safe in this country, and that things like this could never happen here, but they did. I realized on that day that I will never be the same, that America will never be that same. I realized that we are not immune to anything that other places are not immune to, we all have the same level of protection in instances that we cannot control. ~~

I had been in New York five months to
the day before this attack happened. I think everyday about what I would have done if this disaster had occured during my stay there. I wonder if I would still be alive. ~~

I thank the Lord that I am safe everyday, and thank him for protecting me as best he could. I did become more religious that day. I prayed every night after that happened for a while and then just stopped. I think that I realized that I don’t have to pray all the time to be close to him, that as long as he’s in my head, I’ll be OK. ~~

This awful disaster was a wake up call for me. It made me take action, and to live life to the fullest. It gave me more strength, bravery, and more confidence in our officials. Those men and women were great heroes that day, and still are. It’s sad that if took something of this devastation to make all of us realize this. ~~

I will never forget September 11th. I watched the television for endless hours that day. I still see the images in my head, as clear as that day. I will always keep September 11th in my heart and my head. I will tell my future children of that awful day, and hope that they realize what it did to
this country. ~~

God Bless America! Never Forget!
Heather | 19 | Massachusetts

#2394 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
September 11th 2001. I, as well as many others of the 319th Civil Engineering Squadron of Grand Forks Air Force Base, ND, was on a temporary duty assignment at Eskan Village, Saudi Arabia. We had the luxury of CNN, and were able to follow along every second of the tragedy of that day. It seemed like a horrible movie, and took a second or two to realize that it was very real. That night at the dining hall, nobody spoke of the day's events. The next day a memorial service was help at the make shift chapel. After 9-11, the atmosphere on our little 1 sq. mile base was never the same. Commraderies appeared seemingly out of mid air. Everybody bonded closer together than ever before, especially with us being so far away from home, and yet so close to the origin of this evil that tried to bring our great country down. We prevailed then, and will prevail in the future. It seems a little old, but still true.....what doesn't kill us, only makes us stronger. Remember that America. Keep your heads up high. Be proud of who we are!!!!!!!!!
Jan | 24 | North Dakota

#2395 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
I was sitting in American History class. One of the teachers from down the hall came to our door and told us to turn on the television. When I saw the second plane crash into the tower, I remember thinking, "Is this a video game or something?" Pretty soon after that, our principal announced a moment of silence and then told us to just continue on our day and regularly scheduled classes. I don't know if I agree with that; I think we could probably have postponed talking about the Civil War for a day to talk about some "American History in the making" or what have you...For the rest of the day, everyone was really nervous, because we heard that the president had gone to Barksdale, which is about an hour from our town. I remember being really afraid about going to war and not being sure about what had happened and what was going to happen. It was just a really scary, sad day, to say the least.
Sarah | 16 | Louisiana

#2396 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
When I heard about the attacks on the World Trade Centers, I had just happen to be in my U.S. History class, and watching our history change right before my very eyes. I didn't know what to think, I mean nothing has ever happened to my generation in this kind of magnatude. I couldn't begin to think of what changes in our freedom were unfolding in only a few short hours. When all those people that last there lives either were trying to get out of the building, saving others, or even giving up their lives to save a whole nother building that could have added to the mass numbers that all ready lost their lives. I can't really imagine what to feel for those that lost their loved ones but I do know that I am right beside them when it comes to their freedom and mine that was pushed to the limit on one morning that I will never forget. The people that I did not get to meet will always be in my heart along with their families.
Andrew | 18 | Kansas

#2397 | Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
I remember the day very well. I was assistant to the general manager at the local paper and was conversing with a colleague of mine when the first call came in. I remember the words like it was yesterday: "Oh my God ... you've got to get to a TV. Someone just flew a plane into the World Trade Center." Moments later, I heard the words: "Oh my God ... Oh No! They just flew a second plane into the World Trade Center."
My general manager, who was at the time a volunteer firefighter, called the office to give us the sad news that we had already heard. We were on deadline for the next day's edition of the paper. What a sad day it was.
I suddenly found myself alone and scared. "This didn't happen," I told myself. But it did.
Between 8:46 a.m., and the time the last tower fell, I felt very alone. I didn't know anyone at the World Trade Center, but I felt incredibly helpless.
My name is Rianna, and on September 11, 2001, I was sitting in my office at the local newspaper. I couldn't believe what was happening.
Rianna | 35 | Florida

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